Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. CAP CONFERENCE


Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. CAP CONFERENCE


Summary: Reel 1: 1) MS sign: TUBORGS BRYGGERIER HODED KONTOR. 2) Series of shots of large crowd comming out of the Tuborg Brewery in Denmark after inspection tour. 3) Series of shots showing Col. Millis S. Savage, an unidentified military person, and a colonel listening to represantatives explain the operation of the brewery to the cadets. 4) Repeat same sceen description. 3) CU of Col. Savage. 6) Several views showing the representative of the brewery briefing the group prior to a guided tour of the plant. 7) CU of representative. 8) MS Camera pans right with Maj. Gen. Lucas V. Beau, Maj. S. L. Tulin and plant representatives as they tour the brewery grounds. 9) LS of sign: TUBORG. 10) CU Maj. Gen. Beau talking with milita and plant representatives. 11) Several views showing the group leaving plant grounds. SLATE: 8 APRIL 1954, CAP CONFERENCE. COPENHAGEN, DENMARK. 12) LS high angle, buses and cars coming into the Scandinavian Airlines Systems workshop area. 13) Several views same scene description -- camera pans with Gen. Beau as he gets out of automobile and walks toward representative, shakes hands, and talks to him. 14) LS high angle of an automobile traveling along road -- in bg is a bicycle rider. SLATE: ROLL 8. 15) Series of shots showing buses and cars departing with members of the Gen. Beau party after inspecting the SAS (Scandinavian Airlines System). 16) MS Patch on arm of a colonel: NATIONAL CAPITOL NEWS. 17) CU patch on top of blouse pocket: CIVILIAN USAF AUXILIARY AIR PATROL. 8) Several views of buses and automobiles moving about, L to R, and R to L. 9) LS buses arrive at location where military personnel are talking with representatives of the SAS. 20) Scenes of the military personnel and the CAP representative boarding the buses. 21) Scenes of the buses pulling out, R to L. 22) Several views of area where bicycles are parked in racks (photographed from bus as it moves along R to L). 23) Several views of surrounding area from bus, L to R. 24) LS Street scenes from bus, showing city traffic. 25) CU pan R to L over group riding in bus. 26) MS as bus moves along street and approaches hotel. 27) Several views of Copenhagen from bus. 28) MS representatives get out of bus at hotel. 29) CU INT Gen. Lucas V. Beau, in civilian clothes, greets Ambassador Robert E. Coe, African Ambassador to Denmark. 30) CU of Gen. Beau. 31) CU of Ambassador Coe. 32) MS General and Ambassador walk to couch, followed by Mr. Hjalmar Ibsen, who enters scene from right. 33) Several views of Col. Savage, Mr. H. C. Hanson, Mr. Ibsen, Gen. Beau, and Ambassador Coe talking in a group. 34) MS sign: EMBASSY, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, painted on wall outside building. 35) Several views same scene description. 36) MS Ambassador Coe gives opening speech at the CAP Conference at the Hotel D'Angleterre, Copenhagen, Denmark. 37) CU of Mr. Ibsen. 38) MS & CU of Mr. H. C. Hansen, Danish Minster of Foreign Affairs, speaking. 39) MS Maj. Gen. Lucas V. Beau arises from chair, walks toward rostrum, as a heavy set man leaves the rostrum. 40) CU Gen. Beau giving speech. 41) Several views same scene description. MS sign on table: SWEDEN. 43) CU representatives listening to Gen. Beau's speech. 44) Several views of representatives. 45) CU sign on table: TURKEY -- representatives are listening. 46) MS sign on table: GREAT BRITAIN. 47) CU representatives from Great Britain listening. 48) MS sign: FRANCE, camera tilts up to French representative. 49) sign: PORTUGAL, camera pans up to Portuguese representative. 50) CU sign: NORWAY, camera pans up to Norwegian represeatative. 51) MS sign: BELGIUM. 52) CU of Belgium represntative. 53) MS sign: DENMARK. 54) CU of Danish representative. 55) MS sign: SPAIN, camera tilts up and over to representatives from Spain. 56) MS sign: SWITZERLAND. 57) CU Swiss representative. 58) MS sign: NETHERLANDS. 59) MS man and women representing the Netherlands. 60) MS sign: USA. 61) CU U.S. representatives, including a major general and Col. Savage. 62) MCU Ambassador Coe talking with a man in civilian clothes who is seated at table. 63) LS of dining hall in hotel with speaker at rostrum in far bg. 64) MLS Gen. Beau leaves party. Reel 2: SLATE: 8 APRIL 1954. COPENHAGEN, DENMARK. l) Series of shots showing representatives arriving at the Hotel D'Angleterre. 2) Several views same scene description. 3) LS large hotel, Danish flag flying. 4) Severe angles of hotel. 5) LS Danish flag flying. 6) LS Representatives arriving at hotel entranceway. Reel 3: PRINT THRU ON LEADER: R-2356. l) LS INT hotel dining room, CAP representatives at a table, smoking and listening to speeches. 2) MS Col. Savage speaking. 3) MS Maj. S. L. Tulin points to maps of North Carolina and Spain indicating where the cadets of foreign nations participating in the Civil Air Patrol International Cadet Exchange program would visit in the United States. 4) Several views or Maj. Tulin and Col. Savage pointing out the states that the cadets would visit while in the United States. 5) Several views of Col. Savage pointing out the different states which will be visited by the foreign GAP cadets. SLATE: ROLL 4. 6) LS street scene in Copanhagen, with traffic moving R to L -- hotel where representatives held meeting in bg. Representatives stand in front or hotel waiting for buses and cars which will carry them to the Tuborg Brewery, the largest in Denmark (this tour was sponsored by the Royal Danish Aero Club). 7) LS flag flying overhead -- camera tilts down flagpole to representatives standing in front of hotel. 8) MS Gen. Beau comes out of hotel and gets into automobile with other military personnel. 9) LS as vehicles pull away from curb. 10) Several views showing representatives getting in buses. 11) MS bus pulling away from curb in front of hotel, L to R, turning corner to right, and passing out of scene. 12) Several views of streets and people from bus en route to brewery. 13) LS to a monument in center of traffic circle. All traffic halts for two minutes at noon, on this date every year, in bitter memory of the anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Denmark, 9 April 1940. 14) LS Tuborg Brewery -- buses are approaching, L to R. Bus enters brewery area. 15) MCU representatives unload from bus. Reel 4: PRINT THRU ON LEADER: R-23557. l) Series of shots as Gen. Beau and party inspect the Scandinavian Airlines System workshop. 2) Several INT views of engine storage buildings and large hangars. 3) CU's of the party, which include Gen. Beau and Ambassador Coe. 4) MCU INT of hangar with a Douglas DC-4 aircraft with SCANDINAVIAN printed on side. 5) MS sign over bus windshield: D.F.V. KOBENHAVN. 6) Series of shots of Gen. Beau and party touring plant of the Scandinavian Airlines System; Douglas DC aircraft in bg with SCANDINAVIAN on aide. 7) Several views of the crowd around the Scandinavian workshops; men are milling around, talking together. 8) MS INT hangar, men working on aircraft engine. 9) MS tail section of aircraft parked in hangar reading SCANDINAVIAN. 10) LS sign over top of large hangar: SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES SYSTEM. 11) Several via same scene description. SLATE: l0 APRIL 1954. COPENHAGEN, DENMARK. 12) Series of shots after the tour of the Scandinavian Airlines System. Party returns to the parking area, climbs into automobiles, and leaves scene. 13) Several scenes same scene description. Good (Basic: Orig neg)

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Beau, Lucas V. (Lucas Victor), 1895-1986 (person)

Lucas Victor Beau (1895-1986) was born in New York City. He served with the New York National Guard as a corporal on border patrol duty from June to December 1916. Appointed a flying cadet in August 1917, he entered the School of Military Aeronautics at Cornell University, and the following March became an instructor at Eberts Field, Arkansas. A month later he entered gunnery school at Wilbur Wright Field, Ohio, and in June 1918 was commissioned a temporary second lieutenant in the Air Service. ...